Rheumatoid arthritis onset linked to Prevotella copri gut bacteria

Rheumatoid arthritis onset linked to Prevotella copri gut bacteriaRheumatoid arthritis onset linked to Prevotella copri gut bacteria. Your gut is where most bacteria can be found, and your immune system is constantly busy trying to suppress the spread or growth of any harmful bacterial strains. Now, a link has been found between this immune activity in your gut and rheumatoid arthritis, a common autoimmune disorder. This lends more evidence to a growing body of research highlighting the vast importance of maintaining a healthy, strong community of “friendly” gut bacteria in your body in order to maintain good health and fight off disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body treats its own cells and tissues as harmful pathogens and attacks them. This immune attack on the synovial fluid and cartilage around the joints leads to painful swelling, reduced joint mobility, and a reduction in joint cartilage. Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis isn’t caused by wear and tear — it’s caused by the dysfunction of your own immune system.

Role of specific type of gut bacteria in rheumatoid arthritis


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Scientists and researchers at the NYU School of Medicine have found a connection between a species of gut bacteria and rheumatoid arthritis. The connection lies in the Prevotella copri bacterium, which lives in the intestines. The presence of P. copri usually indicates the onset of rheumatoid arthritis, and the bacteria grow exponentially once the autoimmune disorder sets in. The reason why the bacteria grow so much is still unknown, as is the exact way how it is connected to rheumatoid arthritis.

Although Dr. Littman stated, “We cannot conclude that there is a casual link between the abundance of P. copri bacteria and the onset of rheumatoid arthritis,” he and his team are certain that there is a link.

The P. copri bacteria found in the stool samples of healthy individuals are genetically distinct from similar bacteria found in stool samples of those with rheumatoid arthritis. Seventy five percent of stool samples from those with rheumatoid arthritis had P. copri present, while only 21.4 percent of stool samples from healthy patients contained these bacteria.

The team plans to continue their studies outside of New York, using this new information about gut bacteria and arthritis to further their research in developing treatment for this and other autoimmune diseases.


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