Search Results for: diets


Low-fat diets no more effective than other diets: Study

When it comes to weight loss, low-fat diets are often recommended, but new research suggests they are no different than other popular diets. Study lead, Deirdre Tobias, said, “We found that low-fat diets were not more effective than higher-fat diets for long-term weight loss.” The researchers suggest greater weight loss success has more to do here to read more

Cancer risk not associated with yo-yo diets

Losing weight usually starts with a diet. The problem is people struggle to keep the weight they’ve lost off. When they gain it back, they try another diet. The cycle repeats. This is often referred to as yo-yo dieting, since the weight fluctuates up and down. Researchers from the American Cancer society have uncovered that here to read more

Healthy diets in seniors depends on gender

Eating healthy is essential for overall good health, but as we age it may not always be the easiest. Researchers at the University of British Columbia attempted to uncover the best way to boost the consumption of fruits and vegetables among seniors. By using social support as a means to boost intake of fruits and here to read more


Danger: High Protein Diets As Harmful As Smoking

Devotees of a high protein diet similar to the popular Atkins diet may want to reconsider their meal plan. New research has found that eating too much animal protein can be as unhealthy as smoking 20 cigarettes a day. Step away from that barbecue! An American study from the University of Southern California (USC), published here to read more

The Best Anti-Aging Foods in Your Diets

In the mid 90’s scientists in both England and the United States publicly declared that obesity accelerates aging. Being overweight though is not the only factor that can impact longevity. Some nutritional scientists believe all of us; no matter what our current weight, can live longer, if only we adjusted our diets. Research shows that here to read more

How Diets Contribute to Healthy Joints

Osteoarthritis pertains to the inflammation of joints, causing stiffness and difficulty in movement.  This form of inflammation is often observed among the elderly and has caused millions of dollars worth of medical tests and medications.  Osteoarthritis has also affects the quality of life of an individual because it decreases one’s capacity to perform routine activities, here to read more

The Dangerous New Trend – Fast Food Diets

Everyone enjoys eating junk food, for sure.  But the question is: Are these healthy enough to eat in large quantities or several times a week?  We almost often treat junk food as comfort food— grab a bag a chips while watching your favorite TV series, or fill a bowl with ice cream when one feels here to read more
