
The secret to aging muscle support

Muscle mass maintenance in the elderly has become the subject of a lot of discussion in the medical community, and that’s definitely good news. Unless dealing with pathologies like muscular dystrophy (a genetic disorder) or even amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—ALS—(now wide-known thanks to the ice bucket challenge), the topic of muscle health, muscle-building, and muscle maintenance here to read more

Eating less may increase life span: Study

Eating food is a commonly enjoyed and necessary activity, but some of us do it in excess, leading to an increasing rate of obesity and poor health outcomes. Aging is another activity, albeit on a cellular level, that occurs in every living organism. According to new research, a direct relation between eating food and the here to read more

Yeast used to show how genes may slow aging

Recent research from Concordia University has shown that aging may be delayed by altering genetic mechanisms. The pair of studies were conducted on yeast, as both human cells and yeast cells age because of the usual wear and tear. There are genetic mechanisms in place that can speed up or slow down aging, and this here to read more

New insight into age-related hearing loss

New insight into age-related hearing loss has been uncovered. Age-related hearing loss is often believed to result from problems within the ear, but the new findings suggest the culprit is issues in the brain, instead. The researchers found that the brain’s ability to process sound diminishes as we age. The researchers divided 32 adults into here to read more

Heavy drinking harms the aging brain

We already know that heavy drinking can have harmful effects on the body, so it comes as no surprise that it can negatively impact an aging brain, too. The study found heavy drinking can take a toll on many brain functions, including memory, attention, and learning. The researchers from the University of Florida asked 31 here to read more

Baby boomers and Alzheimer’s disease: Effect of aging on memory

With the baby boomers’ generation aging, the cases of Alzheimer’s disease, which can cause memory loss, are growing in numbers. According to a report released by Alzheimer’s Association, over 28 million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s disease, accounting for nearly 25 percent of Medicare spending. Maria Carrillo, Alzheimer’s Association Chief Science Officer, explained, “The risk here to read more

Heart failure accelerates aging process, brings on early andropausal syndrome

Heart failure speeds up the aging and triggers the onset of early male menopause, known as andropausal syndrome (AS). AS is characterized by a reduction in anabolic hormones, including testosterone, in aging men. Decreasing hormone levels are what contributes to clinical symptoms. Symptoms of AS can be categorized into three groups: sexual – such as here to read more

Baby boomers and heart disease: Effects of aging on heart health

Aging baby boomers need to be concerned about their heart health and heart disease risk. The likelihood of developing a cardiovascular condition increases with age, so it’s important that seniors take the necessary steps in order to reduce their risk. Your body undergoes many changes with aging. For example, blood vessels also age, becoming weaker, here to read more