
Osteoporosis fractures: Exercises and their benefits in reducing bone fracture risk

Over 50 million Americans are affected by osteoporosis and bone fractures, making prevention methods a focus and putting exercise benefits in the spotlight. A recent hip hop study—no not the music, we literally mean hopping—has shed some light on how to reduce fracture risk, specifically fractures from osteoporosis. The study, conducted through a special mapping ...click here to read more

Runners’ brains show greater connections

A new study has found that runners’ brains, compared to non-runners, show greater connections. What does this mean exactly? The researchers found that runners had greater functional connectivity compared to those who lived more sedentary lives. The researchers compared brain scans of cross country runners to scans of young adults who did not partake in ...click here to read more

Schizophrenia symptoms significantly lower with aerobic exercise: Study

Schizophrenia symptoms are significantly lower with aerobic exercise, according to study findings. The researchers combined data from 10 independent clinical trials with a total of 385 schizophrenia patients. The researchers found that just 12 weeks of aerobic exercise is enough to improve symptoms in schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia patients may experience memory problems, impaired information processing, ...click here to read more

Heart recovery improved by resuming regular exercise soon after heart attack

Heart recovery may be improved by resuming regular exercise soon after a heart attack. Simply restoring the blood flow to the oxygen-starved areas of the heart after a heart attack in not enough for the proper heart functioning. The heart changes structurally as the affected areas become thinner and scarred. As a result, heart attack ...click here to read more

In dementia patients, depressive symptoms may be reduced with high-intensity exercise and group activities

In dementia patients, depressive symptoms may be reduced with high-intensity exercise and group activities. Author of the dissertation Gustaf Boström explained, “Unfortunately, depression is common among older people, especially in people with dementia. Treatment with antidepressant drugs is often ineffective in older people and people with dementia. In addition, the risk of drug-related side effects ...click here to read more

Red wine may help lower high blood pressure and protect against heart disease: Study

Red wine may help lower high blood pressure and protect against heart disease in people who exercise. But there’s a catch: The participants in the study were drinking non-alcoholic red wine. The non-alcoholic red wine was shown to improve nitric oxide levels in the men, helping lower blood pressure. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to ...click here to read more

Social media competition can motivate you to hit the gym

If you’re lacking gym motivation, some social media competition may give you the push you need. Senior study author Damon Centola explained, “Supportive groups can backfire because they draw attention to members who are less active, which can create a downward spiral of participation.” In his words, competition groups “frame relationships in terms of goal-setting ...click here to read more

Heart disease risk may be lowered with recreational and commuter biking: Study

Heart disease risk may be lowered with recreational and commuter biking. In the study involving 45,000 Danish adults, the researchers found that regular cyclists who biked for pleasure or for their commute had 11 to 18 percent fewer heart attacks during the 20-year follow-up. Furthermore, half an hour of cycling weekly provided some protection against ...click here to read more

Your love or hate for exercise could be in your genes

A new study suggests that your genes may be contributing to your love or hatred for exercise. It is a well-known fact that some individuals enjoy exercising due to the release of dopamine. But researchers found that not all persons experience this rewarding sensation because their genes interfere with the release of dopamine. Lead researcher ...click here to read more

Type 1 diabetes better managed with exercise

Exercise can help manage type 1 diabetes, according to research findings. The three-month study looked at six type 1 diabetics who completed aerobic exercise. The researchers found these patients had better blood sugar control, used less insulin, and had fewer high blood sugar events, compared to seven patients who did not exercise. Type 1 diabetics ...click here to read more

In Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss and cognitive function may be improved with regular moderate exercise

In Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss and cognitive function may be improved with regular moderate exercise. Exercise is effective in Alzheimer’s disease because it improves the efficiency of memory-related brain activity. The researchers uncovered the beneficial effects of exercise in seniors with mild cognitive impairment. Not only does exercise improve memory recall but it improves brain ...click here to read more

Schizophrenia natural home remedies: Diet and exercises

Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder associated with hallucinations, paranoia, lost touch with reality, and an inability to express emotions. The most common treatment for schizophrenia is with medications such as antipsychotic drugs, but natural remedies can also go a long way in treating schizophrenia. Often known as alternative or complementary therapy, natural remedies for ...click here to read more