Joint Pain

Your risk of a heart attack doubles because of this

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common problem causing joint inflammation, pain, stiffness, and swelling. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease, and although there is no cure early intervention can improve a patient’s quality of life. But rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t only affect the joints – in fact, a previous study found that individuals diagnosed with rheumatoid here to read more

Ease joint pain with these natural remedies

Joint pain is a common problem that prevails with each passing year. Whether it’s in your cracking knees, your aching shoulders, or your strained lower back, joint pain can occur all over and put a damper on your daily life. Many joint pain sufferers simply pop an over-the-counter painkiller a few times a day just here to read more

10 foods to avoid for healthy joints

Unless brought by an injury, joint pain is usually caused by inflammation. Inflammation, normally, is intended to help speed up recovery and prevent damage, but oftentimes inflammation can actually be causing many problems including joint pain. Joint pain can be a nuisance, an inconvenience limiting our abilities to get out and enjoy the things we love here to read more

Avoid these foods for pain-free joints

What we eat plays a large role in how we feel – joint pain included. Food is intended to fuel us, provide us with nutrients, and, most of all, make us feel good. But sadly, eating the wrong foods can lead to health problems such as bad cholesterol, extra pounds, and joint pain. Whether your here to read more

Joint pain? Drink this…

Aches and pains are somewhat of a normal occurrence the older we become, whether it is due to joint overuse or arthritis. With the onset of pain, many of us simply take some anti-inflammatory medications a few times a day, which allows us to carry on. Unfortunately though, there is growing evidence that long-term use here to read more

Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis pain predicted accurately by knowing health, joint pain, and diabetes status

Many orthopedic surgeons now believe there is evidence that rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis may be predicted through a person’s joint pain, diabetes status, and overall physical health. Research presented to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons shows that an algorithm created to study pain patterns essentially suggests that there is a strong joint pain and here to read more

Protect your joints by avoiding this

Much research has come out regarding the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged sitting. From cardiovascular issues to obesity and even diabetes, it seems that a sedentary lifestyle can set you up for a number of health conditions. One health condition that is overlooked in talks about prolonged sitting is joint health. Research here to read more

Crepitus knee pain and arthritis

Crepitus, although typically harmless, can be a sign of arthritis. Crepitus is a condition characterized by the popping, cracking or grinding of the joints in the body. It is most common in joint or knee cracking. It can even be used to describe the crackling in the lungs when someone has pneumonia. Although the sounds here to read more

Do these 7 things to live life without pain

Throughout the course of our lives we have all experienced pain. Whether due to injury or illness, we all have felt pain. But shocking numbers now reveal that over 25 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Of the 25 million, nearly 14 million reported experiencing severe pain in association with poor health and disability. The here to read more

Joint pain with type 2 diabetes linked with DPP-4 inhibitor

Researchers uncovered that joint pain in people with type-2 diabetes is linked with the use of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors. The FDA has made an announcement adding additional warnings to DPP-4 inhibitors, stating it can increase joint pain in users with type-2 diabetes. Although the FDA doesn’t suggest stopping use of DPP-4 inhibitors they do here to read more