
These Foods May Be Lowering Your Libido

There are many factors that come into play when discussing low libido, but one of the biggest ones is diet. Diet plays a role in all major functions of our health, so it’s no surprise that it can either positively or negatively affect your libido. Nourishing your body properly means that you can experience a here to read more

4 fixes for low libido

There are many reasons for low libido, from everyday stresses to underlying medical conditions. Low libido doesn’t have to be a natural part of aging. In fact, it’s quite possible to have a booming sex life in your older age. To help you out, we have outlined four common causes of low libido – and here to read more

This one thing could improve bedroom performance

As men age, their testosterone levels naturally decrease. But in some, testosterone drops too low, negatively affecting their libido. But just because you are getting older doesn’t mean you have to bid farewell to an active sex life. New research, in fact, offers a solution to low testosterone and libido problems. Testosterone therapy boosts male here to read more

Simple trick boosts libido

There are many reasons why our libido can be ruined – aging, heart condition, and other health problems are just some notable ones. It may seem taboo to discuss sex drive and old age, but many seniors are still enjoying the many benefits that sex has to offer. So if you’re not one of them, here to read more

4 fixes for common libido problems

Engaging in some one-on-one time with your partner may seem like a thing of the past, but it doesn’t have to be. As we age, more and more things take precedence over sex – like raising children, added responsibilities, and simply growing older. With so much in tow, you and your partner may be severely here to read more

Simple trick for increased bedroom performance

Everyone is talking about exercise benefits, from your doctor to your friends and family. The trend in exercising has really grown in the last few years, and for a good reason. Exercise helps you lose weight, build and maintain muscle, and even improve cardiovascular and respiratory health – and that’s just the short list of here to read more