Live Longer – Longevity

Do Married People Really Live Longer?

The tradition you chose to partake in aside, and whether or not you are married also aside, if you take a look around at either very happily married couples, or very un-happily married couples you might find your mind wandering about whether or not taking someone with you “in sickness and in health” is the here to read more

The Sit Test of Aging and Longevity

For many years your heart health has been considered a good indicator of whether or not you will live longer than the person standing next to you. Studies on aging have come a long way though, and now scientists believe joint health can help determine your longevity as well. Joint Health and Aging Joint health here to read more

4 Shocking Cardiac Care Myths

Almost all of us would love the opportunity to live longer and proper cardiac care can help us to do just that. Unfortunately, when it comes to cardiac care and preventing a potentially fatal heart attack or stroke, there are a lot of myths. So before you go swearing off eggs for the rest of here to read more

Sugar Levels and the Strange Effect on Women

One of the most highly recommended measures that health groups promote to live longer involve leading a healthy lifestyle, including eating the right food items.  Fruits and vegetables are considered as very nutritious food items because these contain vitamins and minerals that may assist in various biochemical reactions of the body.  Fruits and vegetables also here to read more

What Does Heavy Drinking Mean for Stroke

For decades, heavy consumption of alcohol has been associated with various cardiovascular diseases including hypertension and stroke.  Despite the health campaign initiated by physicians and other healthcare-related groups, the population of alcohol drinkers in society has remained the same.  It is thus important for the general public, with the aid of physicians, to monitor changes here to read more

Blood Pressure and Lip Cancer – The Odd Tie

Lip cancer is the most common in the family of oral cancers. Tobacco, alcohol and over-exposure to sunlight are considered the main contributing factors, but now new research suggests blood pressure drugs could increase the risk of getting the disease. The research conducted through the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program in Northern California is considered here to read more

Emergency Rooms on “Heart Attack Patrol”

Each year over 5 million Americans visit the emergency department of the hospital complaining of chest pain. It’s important to determine quickly whether or not these individuals are suffering a heart attack. Today emergency room doctors can spot a heart attack faster than they ever could before. Traditionally, doctors would use echocardiograms and Doppler ultrasound here to read more

Sugary Drinks are Giving You Heart Disease

Heart disease is considered as one of the major causes of mortality across the globe. To live longer, it is thus important to understand the various ways of cardiac care, including that of preventing the possibility of suffering from a heart attack. Cardiac care may also involve the adaptation of a healthy lifestyle, such as here to read more

Your Body …Just Before a Heart Attack

In North American, over 1 million people suffer a heart attack each year. Understanding why and how heart attacks occur is important so that individuals seek treatment early in order to avoid adverse outcomes, such as death. A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked long enough that part of the here to read more