Sleep Problems

Is Warm Milk for Sleep Just a Big Con?

Approximately 40 million Americans have difficulty sleeping every night. Sleep problems can ruin people’s lives. When someone has insomnia for example, it can lead to accidents, trouble concentrating, depression, and health problems. Sleep problems are nothing new and for years sufferers have been told to turn to warm milk as a way to help them here to read more

Snoring is No Laughing Matter

For some people, snoring simply pertains to that noisy way of sleeping that often wakes up another person sleeping next to him or her. Snoring may sometimes turn into one of the major sleep problems that may affect the quality of rest one gets each night, prompting the use of natural sleep aids as treatment here to read more

What Not To Do If You Struggle With Sleep

Insomnia is incredibly common, and it can begin to influence many different areas of an individual’s life. It can be disruptive to work, and take a toll on your social life as well. What’s even worse, is the more trouble you have sleeping, the more it could start to take over your thoughts. Experts say here to read more

Top 10 Bad Sleep Habits Explained

Sleep is a function that is necessary for the proper function of the human body. Many experts recommend that adults get at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night to rest their bodies, which ultimately has a series of mental health benefits, including lower stress and anxiety levels. But experts also say several bad sleep here to read more

How You Sleep Could Put You at Risk

Do you find yourself up all night instead of getting some good sleep? A recent study showed that sleep problems such as insomnia or the inability to sleep for a continuous duration of time is associated with a greater risk for developing obesity. According to the medical report published in the journal SLEEP, individuals with here to read more

How Your Emotions Can Affect Your Health

Fear, anger, depression and satisfaction are the four physiologically grounded human emotions. There are also secondary emotions such as guilt, gratitude, elation, nostalgia, love and shame, which are thought to be acquired during the process of socialization (one’s social upbringing). All of these emotions play a dramatic role in determining your mental and physical health. here to read more

How Much Sleep is Too Much?

Are you getting enough sleep every night? For some people with sleep problems, this may mean spending more time awake in bed and only catching up on sleep during the early hours of the morning. For others, sleep problems involve snoozing for the entire night and even through the rest of the morning. The Cause here to read more

The Profound Way Your Sleep Cycle Affects You

Are you having sleep problems due to shifts in your work schedule? Or are you suffering from jetlag caused by traveling to another part of the globe? Sleep problems, commonly known as insomnia, can be quite difficult for some people, especially when the amount and quality of rest and mental health is affected. Sleep problems here to read more

Insomnia and Your Career

Data has long shown that sleep problems can impact mental health. Recent developments, however, have indicated that sleep deprivation may be impacting society in more ways than originally thought. Many key careers that impact millions are impacted daily by sleep deprivation. Although roughly 30% of Americans claim to have sleeping problems, only about 10% suffer here to read more

What You Need to Know About Insomnia

A study published in the British Medical Journal Open on February 27, 2012 contains information that anyone with sleep problems and insomnia should be aware of. The study examined the impact of prescription sleep medications, commonly taken for insomnia and sleep problems, on mortality and cancer. The results are frightening. Occasional sleep problems can occur here to read more