stomach problems

Unexpected Foods Making You Suffer

Heartburn is best described as a burning sensation in the chest; however, it can also include a dull pain. It can be uncomfortable but is manageable with changes to our diet. If you want to avoid having to turn to natural antacids or digestion aids take a close look at the foods that are known here to read more

Can We Eventually Avoid Diarrhea?

It is an embarrassing problem that most people would rather not talk about. But with a new study from the University of East Anglia there may now be a new way to avoid the embarrassment. Or at least there is some hope in the distress associated with stomach problems, in particular, diarrhea. The recent study here to read more

Grocery Store Fixes for Nausea

At some point in your life, you’re going to suffer from a bout of nausea and when you do, you’ll probably be looking for natural digestion aids that will help to calm your stomach. Nausea is the sensation that your body wants to empty itself and can be disturbing to many aspects of your life. here to read more

Do You Know Your Chances? Digestive Disease

People that suffer from digestive issues, including stomach problems, know just how embarrassing and disruptive these episodes can be. Digestive disorders are very common in Canada, with over 20 million Canadian suffering from digestive problems each year. Suffering from stomach problems disrupts an individuals’ personal as well as professional life. Many people find talking about here to read more

The Boom in Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that usually inhabit the digestive tract. They can easily become depleted from things such as antibiotic use, antibacterial hand soap, chlorinated drinking water, overuse of harsh cleaning chemicals and overconsumption of sugar and refined foods. A depletion of these beneficial bacteria is problematic because they play an important role in your here to read more