Tinnitus treatment: Finger drumming technique, Alexander technique, and relaxation technique for tinnitus relief

Written by Emily Lunardo
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Finger drumming technique, Alexander technique, and relaxation technique for tinnitus relief

Tinnitus is a sensation where you experience hearing and buzzing in the ears. It’s often the result of an underlying condition or side effect of a medication. It’s also caused by age-related hearing loss, ear injury, or a circulatory problem. While ringing in the ears is not harmful, it can be a very irritating symptom. Thankfully, tinnitus relief can usually be achieved with proper treatment. The finger drumming technique can also be used to help relieve symptoms.

Tinnitus complications

Continuous buzzing in your ear can affect your quality of life and may lead to increased levels of stress, sleep problems, and trouble concentrating. Tinnitus can present differently from patient to patient, leading to additional complications including memory problems, depression, anxiety, and trouble concentration.
In cases where tinnitus is prolonged and untreated, it can result in hearing loss. This often depends on the underlying condition. For example, if tinnitus was caused by an infection, it could lead to permanent damage of the structures that conduct sound, leading to hearing loss.

Finger drumming technique for tinnitus relief

This is a home remedy to help relieve the symptoms of tinnitus. However, it is important to note that this method does not work for all people. The exact reason that this method relieves tinnitus symptoms is not known. However, it is thought that distracting the mind from the buzzing helps the brain recalibrate, ridding itself of the ringing.

Here’s how you do the finger drumming technique:

  • Place both palms on the right and left ears respectively. Both middle fingers should be touching ends at the back of your head.
  • Your middle fingers should be at the base of the skull. This is a that at the back of the head where you’ll link the middle of each ear.
  • Now place your index fingers over your middle fingers. Begin snapping the index finger against the skin.
  • Repeat this process about 20 to 30 times two to three times a day.

If this does not work for you, bear in mind that other home remedies for tinnitus do exist.

Alexander technique to relieve tinnitus

The Alexander technique is a way to feel better and move in a more relaxed and comfortable way. This technique allows the muscles around the head, neck, and back to work in a coordinated and free manner. It helps to relieve tension that has built up in those muscles. If you’re lucky, it’ll reduce irritating sounds that you may be experiencing.

The Alexander technique can also use the “whispered Ah” procedure. This works in concert with the Alexander technique, but also includes the muscles in the throat and jaw.

Learning to stop habits that tighten the muscles of the head, jaw, and neck will help avoid tension that can contribute to tinnitus. Many people using the

Alexander technique have claimed it helped reduce their symptoms and allowed them to regain control over their tinnitus.

Relaxation technique to stop ringing in ears

Sometimes all you need is time to relax and ease the stressors that exacerbate your tinnitus. By incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine, you can improve your quality of life.

Every day brings with it many challenges that lead to the accumulation of stress, adversely affecting both the mind and body. Making the time to practice a few relaxation techniques throughout the day can make all the difference.

Relaxation techniques are simple and easy to learn. They are usually designed to refocus your attention to something more calming while increasing awareness of your body. While many techniques exist, it’s best to find a few that work for you and make them a part of your daily routine.

Relaxation techniques help to reduce stress by:

  • Slowing your heart rate
  • Slowing your breathing
  • Lowering your blood pressure

The following are some relaxation techniques you can try today:

Autogenetic relaxation: This can be done by focusing on something that comes from within. You could repeat words or mantras, or just imagine yourself in a peaceful place.

Progressive muscle relaxation: Start by relaxing the muscles in your toes and progressively work your way to your head. Now, tense all your muscles for at least five seconds and relax again for 30 seconds. You can repeat this as much as you like.

Visualization: Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful and calming place. Try to visualize different aspects of this place, helping to engage your senses. How does it smell? Is there a breeze? What sounds do you hear? By incorporating all your senses, your level of emersion and relaxation will increase.

Related: 7 essential oils for tinnitus: Benefits and how they can treat ringing ears

Related Reading:

Tinnitus treatment: Therapies and exercises to manage ringing in the ears

Tinnitus diet: Foods to eat and to avoid for managing tinnitus


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