Top news and health tip articles 2017: Osteoporosis

osteoporosisAs the year winds down, it’s time to take a look back at what made news in 2017. This article will feature our top stories that discussed breakthroughs, prevention, health tips, and breaking news regarding osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the deterioration of old bone occurs quicker than the replenishment of new bone. This causes bones to become frail and weak, which increases the risk of fractures and can lead to disability.


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For some patients, a bone fracture in osteoporosis can occur as easily as just sneezing. What’s worse is that osteoporosis is often symptomless until a fracture or break occurs. This is why it’s so important that you have your bones checked early on, especially if you have risk factors for osteoporosis such as being a woman, being over the age of 50, being a smoker, you drink a lot of coffee, have a poor diet, and lack physical activity.

Below you will find our top five articles that discuss osteoporosis including risk factors, treatment, breaking news, and prevention tips.

Top 2017 articles for osteoporosis

osteopenia-vs.-osteoporosis-Osteopenia vs. osteoporosis: Understanding the difference

We often hear doctors using the term osteopenia and osteoporosis when referring to human bones, but there is a difference between the two. Understanding the difference can protect you and keep you mobile.
When we look at the words osteopenia and osteoporosis, it’s easy to see how the two can be confused. Aside from the similar spelling, the conditions both relate to bone density. The difference between osteopenia and osteoporosis comes down to the degree of decreased bone density. If a person has osteopenia, they do have decreased bone density, but not to the extent of someone who is suffering from osteoporosis. Continue reading

osteoporosisCan osteoporosis be reversed? 12 natural ways to treat osteoporosis

Concerned about your bone health? You should be. The sooner you start the better. Your risk for osteoporosis, where your bones become fragile and porous, has a lot to do with the bone mass you’ve developed in your 20s and 30s and what you’ve done to prevent losing that bone mass later on. Bones, like the rest of our body parts, are living material. They’re in a constant state of remodeling, breaking down and building up.


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Interesting tidbit: Physiologists say we create about 11 skeletons over the full course of our lifetimes. So, our bodies work hard to keep our bones healthy. There are simple lifestyle changes you can make to reduce bone loss naturally—and it starts with foods for strong bones. Continue reading

exercises-bone-health-osteoporosisSpecific exercises to promote bone health and combat osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bone weakness and subsequently increases the risk of developing bone fractures. While it is commonly associated with elderly women, it can happen to men as well. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis is a serious public health concern affecting more than 200 million people worldwide.
A new study that the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology recently published shows that in men, long-term weight-bearing exercises decrease sclerostin, a protein made in the bone, and increase IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), a hormone associated with bone growth. Continue reading

Osteoporosis-fracturesOsteoporosis fractures: Exercises and their benefits in reducing bone fracture risk

Over 50 million Americans are affected by osteoporosis and bone fractures, making prevention methods a focus and putting exercise benefits in the spotlight.
A recent hip-hop study—no not the music, we literally mean hopping—has shed some light on how to reduce fracture risk, specifically fractures from osteoporosis. The study, conducted through a special mapping technique at the University of Cambridge, demonstrated that just two minutes of hopping per day could strengthen hip bones and reduce the risk of fractures after a fall. Continue reading


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