Varicose veins update: Causes, natural treatment, essential oils

Written by Bel Marra Health
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Varicose veins updateVaricose veins are spider-like branches of blood vessels commonly found in the lower extremities. More than 40 million people in the United States currently suffer from varicose veins. Despite not having any negative health consequences, these veins are often deemed unsightly. To give you a better understanding of this relatively benign condition, we have rounded up some our best articles on the topic. You will find information on varicose vein causes, varicose vein natural treatments, and the use of essential oils for varicose veins.

Varicose veins and spider veins causes, prevention and natural remedies

Varicose and spider veins are those tiny lines that are visible all over your legs. Varicose veins and spider veins can steal your confidence and make you feel uncomfortable about putting on your bathing suit to go swimming or wearing shorts to make the most of the warm weather.

If this is you, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Millions of Americans have varicose veins—estimates suggest that up to 60 percent of men and women over age 60 have them—which is one reason why varicose vein removal is a popular surgery. But there are more than just cosmetic concerns. Continue reading…

Varicose veins natural treatmentVaricose veins natural treatment: How to get rid of spider veins naturally

Varicose veins are visible veins that may look dark purple or blue in color and are commonly found in the legs and feet. These enlarged and discolored veins do not pose any immediate health concerns, as they are usually a cosmetic problem. However, some people experience aching pain and discomfort that could signal impending circulatory problems.

Varicose veins are caused by prolonged standing and walking upright, which increases the pressure in the veins of the lower body. Dysfunction of tiny valves in the blood vessels themselves also plays a role. Other risk factors include age, sex, family history, and obesity.

The following are a list of varicose veins natural treatments, including herbal remedies and essential oils. Continue reading…

varicose veinsEliminate your varicose veins (in time for summer!) with these 5 natural remedies

Summer is almost here, and hot weather makes us want to reach for bright summery dresses, light fluttery skirts, and cool comfortable shorts! However, for the 36 percent of women who suffer from varicose veins, these clothing options often stay regretfully in the closet.

Although there are medical treatments for the elimination of varicose veins, they can be costly and are not without risk. Natural remedies, on the other hand, are safe and affordable and can be done in the comfort of your own home. So, before you start to mournfully toss your favorite summer wardrobe into the Goodwill bin, try these five natural remedies to not only help reduce the appearance of varicose veins but also to prevent future ones from forming. Continue reading…

10 best essential oils for varicose veins natural treatment

Varicose veins are visible veins that may look dark purple or blue in color and they are commonly found in the legs and feet of those affected. These enlarged and discolored veins may not pose any immediate health concerns to some patients, being more of a cosmetic problem. However, some individuals experience aching pain and discomfort that could signal a higher risk for other circulatory problems.

It is thought to be a result of prolonged standing and walking upright that increases the pressure in the veins of the lower body, with the effects of gravity being mostly to blame. Dysfunction of tiny valves in the blood vessels themselves have also been seen to play a role. Other risk factors include age, sex, family history, and obesity. Continue reading…

If you have varicose veins, don’t do this

Everyone knows about varicose veins and everyone dreads them. Aside from the obvious aesthetic concern—bluish, unsightly, bulging veins aren’t particularly attractive—varicose veins spell discomfort, pain, and even dangerous health hazards like blood clots, ulcers, and deep vein thrombosis. The symptoms of varicosis extend beyond the visual symptoms. Patients commonly report itchiness, fatigue, swelling, and discomfort. Regardless of whether you have varicose veins or not, you’ve probably heard a lot about this condition. Let’s take a look at some common myths about varicose veins and try to find a grain of truth. Continue reading…

Related Reading:

Poor circulation treatment: How to improve blood circulation

Poor circulation in feet: Causes, symptoms, and treatment


On any matter relating to your health or well-being, please check with an appropriate health professional. No statement herein is to be construed as a diagnosis, treatment, preventative, or cure for any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Foods and Drugs Administration or Health Canada. Dr. Marchione and the doctors on the Bel Marra Health Editorial Team are compensated by Bel Marra Health for their work in creating content, consulting along with formulating and endorsing products.

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