Articles Related To Diets.


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Category Archives: Diets

Will Yoga Make You Stronger?

Yoga is undoubtedly a popular practice worldwide and can offer many benefits. But can it make older adults stronger? A new study suggests it can. However, the data is relatively weak. The review of 33 clinical trials, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that older adults who participated in yoga programs typically gained here to read more

Why You Should Give Beets a Chance

Beets just don’t show up on enough plates. Perhaps it’s because people are scared of them, don’t know how to cook them, or just flat-out don’t understand them. But give beets a chance. These versatile – and delicious – root vegetables can probably do more than you think for your health. First off, beets, or here to read more


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Daily Steps to Keep Inflammation in Check

What do a mattress, toothbrush, salmon, and sneakers have in common? They may all be able to help you fight against chronic inflammation – a persistent state of immune system activity that’s linked to several health problems and risks. The more healthy habits you have, the better chance you’ll have at limiting inflammation and disease here to read more

Where to Start with a Plant-Based Diet

Plant-based diets, or at least the term plant-based diets, are all the rage these days. Although the style is nothing new, the terminology may be. Vegetarianism, veganism, the Mediterranean diet, and the DASH diet, after all, are all plant-based. Many people are turning towards plant-based diets to take advantage of potential health benefits. According to here to read more

Find Room for More Fiber

One may argue that one of the biggest health problems in America may have a relatively simple fix. The problem is fiber intake; the solution is to eat more of it. Dietary fiber serves several functions. It’s well known that it plays an essential role in good digestion by softening and providing bulk to stool here to read more