Articles Related To Women’s Health.



Category Archives: Women’s Health

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day: Hip pain, low estrogen, heart attack, and lower abdominal pain in women

September 27th is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day. It is the largest health promotion event for women of all ages, which focuses on the importance of regular physical activity and health awareness. We at Bel Marra want to do our part and inform our female readers about health concerns that affect them or their here to read more

Why it’s so important to check your cholesterol

Although high cholesterol is, no matter what, always a serious health risk, high cholesterol in women may have protective effects against breast cancer. The researchers reviewed over 14 years of data that consisted of over one million people. The researchers found that women with high cholesterol had a lower risk of developing breast cancer compared here to read more

The real cause of hearing loss uncovered

Previous studies in women revealed that a drop in estrogen and progesterone after menopause is responsible for hearing loss and that hormone therapy can minimize this. But the latest findings now suggest that late natural menopause and the use of oral hormonal therapies could increase the risk of hearing loss in women. The study began here to read more


This fruit boosts your libido

When you think of dates—the fruit, not going for dinner—you probably think of digestive issues and constipation. That’s because they are known to help you in such cases. But dates can also be enjoyed to improve another area of health—sexual function in men. Experts suggest that men should include dates in their diet as a here to read more

The best and worst foods to eat after 50

If you’re a woman over the age of 50, you are either experiencing menopause or have completed it. Menopause is considered a substantial change in a woman’s life because frankly, it brings with it many changes. Not only does a woman’s menstrual cycle come to an end, but estrogen levels drop, which has a large here to read more

Menopause update: How long does menopause last, menopause and heart disease, brain fog, menopausal fatigue

Every woman will eventually reach an age of infertility called menopause, a transitory period that may present with distressing but temporary symptoms. Menopause does not occur over night, rather, it is a gradual process that can present differently from woman to woman. To give you some information, here you will learn how long menopause lasts, here to read more