The yellow bump on the eye may appear triangular-shaped and is quite small. In rare cases, it can grow quite large, but this is a slow process. If irritated, the bump can swell, but once the irritant is removed, pinguecula will go back to normal.
Usually, pinguecula does not impair vision, unless it grows into the cornea.
Causes of pinguecula
Pinguecula is often caused by exposure to ultraviolet light produced by the sun. Dust exposure and wind has also been known to cause pinguecula. Having dry eye syndrome may also be a contributing factor to pinguecula.
Yellow bump on the eye is commonly seen in older adults who are often exposed to sunlight, but is also common in children who spend many hours outdoor without wearing eye protection like sunglasses.
Pinguecula signs and symptoms
Pinguecula is usually not associated with any particular symptoms, and patients often spot it only when looking in the mirror. Patients may notice that their eyes feel dryer because the bump prevents an even distribution of tears across the eye. Eye dryness may also result in a burning sensation, stinging, itching, blurred vision, and a feeling as if there is something in the eye.
Another sign of pinguecula is the appearance of additional blood vessels.
If pinguecula becomes irritated, it can cause redness and swelling. Irritants include dust, wind, and sunlight.
Difference between pinguecula and pterygium
Both are benign growths on the eye, and both are linked to exposure to dust, sunlight, and wind.
Treatment options for pinguecula
Majority of pinguecula cases do not require treatment, unless discomfort is experienced or vision is affected. If pinguecula gets painful, your doctor can prescribe eye drops.
If your pinguecula bothers you, your doctor can surgically remove it. This is often the case if it grows over the cornea, if there is extreme discomfort, especially when wearing contact lenses, and if it is constantly inflamed even after treatment has been administered.
Tips to prevent pinguecula
Ensure your sunglasses block out both UVA and UVB rays, and use artificial tear eye drops to keep your eyes well lubricated if necessary.
Should you be worried about pinguecula?
Pinguecula is a benign condition, so you shouldn’t be worried if you develop it. Because it leads to irritation and can make contact wearing difficult, it is a bothersome condition, but treatment can help ease this. It’s important that you see an optometrist whenever there are changes to your eyes to rule out pinguecula from another more serious eye condition.